Medical schools » United States » Massachusetts

Medical schools in Massachusetts

Before choosing a medical school you should analyze the benefits that it will offer you, it is important to take note of the costs as well as the environment where you are going to develop your professional career. Here you can find information about 4 medical schools in Massachusetts, including their location, contact information and a brief introduction.

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Boston Worcester

4 medical schools found in Massachusetts  

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Boston University (School of Medicine)
Our medical school is located in the historic South End of Boston and shares a campus with Boston Medical Center Hospital, the School of Public Health...
Address:  715 Albany St.

Tufts University (School of Medicine)
Today a physician must be master of many universes-- at ease in the sub-cellular realms of our DNA and in a community clinic; facile with computerized...
Address: 136 Harrison Avenue

Harvard University (Harvard Medical School)
Harvard Medical School (HMS) is one of the graduate schools of Harvard University. It is a prestigious American medical school located in the Longwood...
Address: 25 Shattuck Street

University of Massachusetts (Medical School)
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts' first and only public medical school, the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) was founded in 1962...
Address: 55 Lake Avenue North